This blog is entitled "Save the planet movement" because it is - as it says. All the contents of this blogsite is intended to serve the needed knowledge required by anyone concerned in doing his part in saving the planet.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Swine Flu a “Faked Pandemic”

ISIS Report 27/01/10

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe agree to launch enquiry amid revelations of gross conflicts of  interest among experts advising the WHO to declare the swine flu pandemic

Dr. Mae-Wan Ho

WHO expert advisory group linked to pharmaceutical industry

Those of us who have opposed the mass vaccinations against swine flu [1-3] (Fast-tracked Swine Flu Vaccine under Fire, ISiS 43; Swine Flu Pandemic - To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate? & other articles in the series, SiS 44; Cardiovascular Risks from Swine Flu Vaccines, SiS 45) can feel vindicated and relieved. 

The truth is out. More than half of the experts advising the World Health Organisation (WHO) to declare swine flu a 
‘pandemic’ are linked to drug-makers that have reaped huge profits from untested vaccines and flu drugs [4].  Eleven of the 20 members of the WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) have profited from work done for the pharmaceutical industry or are linked to it through their universities. Many have declared interests in Glaxo Smith Kline, the vaccine maker that stands to benefit the most from the pandemic. 

At the height of the pandemic scare, UK’s Chief Medical Officer warned of up to 65 000 deaths. The death toll now 
stands at 251; and the UK Government is now trying to offload up to £1 billion worth of unwanted swine flu vaccines.

Among the three UK experts with industrial links is Prof. Sir Roy Anderson, rector of Imperial College, London, also non-executive director of GlaxoSmithKline. He received £87 000 for six board meetings in 2008 and £29 000 worth of shares. Since the swine flu outbreak the shares have risen in value by more than 10 percent. 

Read the rest of this report here

Or read other articles about flu

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Stop Doing Dumb Things! - Ted Turner on GM, CNN

"Stop Doing Dumb Things!" Ted Turner on GM, CNN, at Columbia Climate Center Launch

by Alex Pasternack, New York, NY  on 03.31.09

In a lively discussion at New York's Columbia University today, media titan Ted Turner lamented the US auto industry's slow approach to green, promised to talk with Rupert Murdoch about the Wall Street Journal's skeptical take on climate change, and criticized environmental coverage by CNN, the network he founded.
The "Mouth of the South" made his characteristically spirited remarks at the launch of the Climate Center at Columbia University, a new multi-disciplinary research base on climate change. The event also featured Jeffrey Sachs, Robert Orr, Lee Bolinger and a bevy of climate scientists.
Before getting into the scientific discussion of climate change, the event began with much praise for the efforts of Columbia University, which boasts an impressive wealth of researchers and centers focused on environmental challenges, said Jeffrey Sachs, the superstar economist. The Climate Center, he said, will bring together experts from various backgrounds, "including social science, legal, business, policy, ecological, engineering, and other institutions."
In introducing Turner, Sachs praised the media mogul for "directing the world's attention to the global challenges of an imbalanced planet, armaments, population and the environment." He cited Turner's creation of the the Better World Society and the UN Foundation when he said that Turner was "not a late comer to this issue but one of the pioneers."
Here's part of the exchange between Sachs and Turner:
Sachs: How do we approach the problem?

We need stop doing dumb things and start doing smart things. To use a baseball analogy, humanity is in the seventh inning and down by two runs. We need to hold the other dumb guys at bay while we score three more runs in the last two innings. We should be able to do it because now we have global communications...Most of us are educated and have access to information. I'd imagine that 90 pc of people in the world know something about climate change. So at least we know about it... If we know something about the problem and don't do it, then we don't deserve to live.
This world is potentially a garden of Eden. At the time of Buchenwald and Auschwitz, it was a hell. I'd like to see it made into a heaven. Imagine: elephants walking around the streets of New York. Wouldn't that be nice?

Sachs: How do we get Wall Street Journal editorial page to change? You've had dealings with Rupert Murdoch.

I don't read it that often. Is it that bad? Next time I'll see him I'll talk to him about it.

"Okay, we're making progress," Sachs said, as the main hall of Low Library erupted into applause. "If you can give him a call that'd be helpful."
How do we get the science better communicated?

I heard about a recent survey that said that thirty-five percent of people around the world don't believe in global warming. But that means 65 percent do. So we have a majority.

Sachs then asked about Turner's three-pronged approach to saving the world.
First, we need population stabilization and reduction -- voluntary 1-2 child families over the next 200 years. Second, we need everybody to get rid of nuclear weapons....We're only one major meeting away from getting rid of them, if someone has the vision to call that meeting. Third is global climate change.

Sachs: How optimistic are you?
I'm generally optimistic. I had the good fortune to underwrite Captain [Jacques] Cousteau's voyages for 10-15 years. I asked him once if he thought we were gonna make it. He said, 'Even if we knew for sure we weren't going to make it, what could men of good conscience do but keep trying?'
He's right. It ain't over til it's over. It's going to take a renaissance, a new burst of knowledge. We have global communications. We don't have an excuse. When Princess Diana was killed...98 percent of the world knew about it in 24 hours.

Sachs: Has CNN gone the way you wanted?
For a long time it did. But it's more tabloid than i'd like to have seen it. I'd like to see more environmental and international news. I'd like it to be more substantive. We had an 18 person environmental unit. But a couple years ago they disbanded that. They still cover the environment with regular reporters, which I think is inadequate. But that's just me...
Hey, if the stock goes down much more I could buy it all back.

Sachs then asked about GM's troubles and clean car technology.

Where were they ten years ago when Honda came out with a hybrid? Just think: if we'd been ten years behind Japan in getting the atomic bomb, we wouldn't have won World War II.

Sachs ended with a question about the UN Foundation, which Turner founded with a $1 billion grant a decade ago.
Before that the only funding source for the UN was from governments. I didn't know if there was room for a non-governmental organization to fund the UN without getting in the way. But there is, especially for one that's carefully run in close coordination with the UN. My worst fear is that the UN and the UN foundation would get into an argument. But in the 11 years we haven't had a single argument... the UN needs all the help it can get. Because humanity needs all the help it can get.

More on TreeHugger:

Monday, January 25, 2010

Getting Sceptical about Global Warming Scepticism

ISIS Report 25/01/10

Getting Sceptical about Global Warming Scepticism
John Cook rebuts the most common sceptic arguments against global warming

Who’s a sceptic?

A Gallup poll finds only 58 percent of the general public believe human activity is changing global temperatures. That is in strong contrast to 97 percent of actively publishingclimate scientists who say humans are a significant contributor. Why the great divide between public opinion and scientific experts? Unfortunately, there is no shortage of misinformation and confusion surrounding the climate debate. How does one penetrate the noise to get real scientific evidence? When one scans the many arguments of global warming skeptics [3], a common pattern emerges.

Each argument narrowly focuses on a small piece of the puzzle while ignoring the broader picture. This form of
cherry picking often leads to erroneous conclusions. Human CO2 emissions insignificant compared to natural

A typical example is the sceptic argument "Human CO2 emissions are small compared to natural emissions". The argument is as follows: “Land and vegetation emit 439 Gt of CO2 each year while oceans release 332 Gt. In contrast, humans emit only 29 Gt of CO2 a year. How can humans make an impact on climate when our CO2 emissions are so tiny compared to natural emissions?”

While these numbers are correct, they don’t tell the full story. This argument fails to disclose that nature both emits and absorbs carbon dioxide. Land and vegetation make up a strong carbon sink, absorbing 450 Gt per year.
Similarly, the ocean absorbs around 338 Gt per year. As a result, the net natural contribution is less than zero (see Figure 1).

Figure 1  Global carbon cycle
Numbers represent flux of carbon dioxide in gigatonnes [5]

Is it arrogant to presume mere humans could possibly influence the immense, uncontrollable forces of nature? It's
not a question of arrogance. It's simply a question of numbers. Humans are emitting 29 Gt CO2 a year; slightly
less than half of that is absorbed by the natural carbon sinks, so CO2 in the atmosphere is increasing by 15 Gt per year. Our activities in burning fossil fuels and changing land use have upset the natural balance. The recent
rate of increase since the industrial revolution is unprecedented (see Fig. 2). Furthermore, atmospheric CO2 is
at its highest level in 15 to 20 million years, as documented most recently in ice core data.

Read the rest of this report here

Or read other articles about climate change
This article can be found on the I-SIS website at


The villains' signature: Twist the truth, say Half Truth, invent a truth, give half of the picture by using actual data, but mix it with small lies. Law of polarity says... a whole line of positives becomes negative in output when even one fraction of a negative charge is introduced into the equation. It has nothing to do with the volume or potential.. Man should be more wise nowadays and exercise their own freewill to think, digest, analyze and comprehend anything which is presented to them. There are only 3 types of people... Those who see, those who see what is presented to them... and those who cannot see. (Leonardo Da Vinci) They can invent whatever they want but for those who are enlightened and highly evolved minds... no lies can suffice the real truth. The Truth is... there is already an ecological imbalance... which began during the industrial revolution. Take time to research how much fossil fuel is being burned around the world every day.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Why Haven't Fruit & Vegetable Eaters Been Told About This Toxic Waste Overload?

Posted by: Dr. Mercola
January 16 2010 | 69,490 views

gypsum, FGD gypsum, farming, toxic waste, soilThe U.S. government is encouraging farmers to spread a chalky waste from coal-fired power plants on their fields to loosen and fertilize soil.

The material is produced by power plant "scrubbers" that remove acid-rain-causing sulfur dioxide from plant emissions.
The substance is a synthetic form of the mineral gypsum, and it also contains mercury, arsenic, lead and other heavy metals.

The Environmental Protection Agency says those toxic metals occur in only tiny amounts. But some environmentalists say too little is known about how the material affects crops, and ultimately human health.


As you may know, coal-fired plants produce about 50 percent of the power in the US, and are a major source of environmental pollution. One of its byproducts is FGD gypsum (flue gas desulfurization gypsum). Not surprisingly, the standard solution is to develop a scheme to sweep the problem under the rug and make money doing it.
In this case, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has begun promoting what they call “wastes beneficial uses,” in order to deal with industrial byproducts.
This is history repeating itself ad nauseum. The plot to use of FGD gypsum on agricultural soils is virtually identical to the story of how the toxic byproduct fluoride was deemed beneficial to human health, once it became too costly for the aluminum industry to clean it up.

If you’re not yet aware of how the “beneficial waste uses” of fluoride came about, you may want to take a look at it now, because these two stories are hauntingly familiar.
Ironically, while the EPA and USDA are recommending the use of this toxic byproduct on fields, the Obama administration is also in the process of drafting the first federal standards for storage and disposal of coal wastes. The White House and the EPA are currently at odds over how to handle the more than 125 million tons of coal ash and sludge waste generated each year, reports the Wall Street Journal.
According to the Associated Press, this action was prompted by a spill from a coal ash pond near Knoxville, TN, just over a year ago. Ash and water flooded 300 acres, damaging homes and killing fish. The cleanup will cost an estimated $1 billion.

It’s logically challenging to accept that while an accidental coal waste spill is environmentally devastating, the willful spreading coal waste on farm lands, year after year, would be environmentally sound.

Granted, the combined contents of the spill was likely far more toxic than FGD gypsum alone, but we’re still talking aboutadding toxins to our farm lands, and no matter how minute these toxins are, they will eventually accumulate.

Why would we want to do this to ourselves, and to our future generations?

Where Else Can You Find This Toxic Byproduct?
By the way, the use of FGD gypsum on farm fields is not brand new. According to the American Coal Ash Association, farmers' use of the material has more than tripled in the past 6 years, from about 78,000 tons spread on fields in 2002, to nearly 279,000 tons in 2008.

However, the overall annual production of this byproduct is expected to double in the next several years, as more coal-fired plants come online and as more scrubbers are added to existing power plants to comply with the EPA’s Clean Air Interstate Rule and other requirements. This means, the problem of what to do with all that waste will grow significantly.

About half of the nearly 18 million tons of FGD gypsum produced in the US in 2008 was put to “beneficial use” in the manufacturing of drywall. However, did you know that this potentially heavy metal-laced byproduct is also used as a filler ingredient in some foods and in toothpaste?!

Yet another reason to avoid processed foods. Much of it is not even food-based!
There’s no question that the push for FGD gypsum in farming is orchestrated by the industry producing the waste – as a solution that is convenient and profit-producing for them. I doubt it has ANY real benefits to human health.

Consider this 2007 National Network for Use of FGD Gypsum in Agriculture workshop, led by the Electric Power Research Institute, whose sole objective is to “increase the use of FGD gypsum in agricultural applications.”

The electric power industry hard at work to improve the quality of your food?

I think not.

Because as reported by the Wall Street Journal, the Electric Power Research Institute has also stated that utilities could lose $5 billion to $10 billion of revenue each year if they were no longer allowed to sell coal combustion byproducts to industry. Furthermore, the organization says added storage costs could be a burden on power plants, especially those operating in deregulated markets, where they must compete against other forms of non-coal power generation.

What Can You Do?
There does not appear to be any kind of grassroots movement to stop this practice. Or if there is, I’ve not been able to find it. However, there is one thing I’d encourage you to do, and that is to bring your concerns about the agricultural use of FGD gypsum to the attention of organic growers everywhere.

Because it appears use of FGD gypsum may have trickled into organic farming as well, since it’s not considered a petroleum-based soil additive, which is forbidden in organic farming.

One of the significant benefits of buying locally-grown, organic food is that you can oftentimes meet the growers face to face. You can ask questions about their growing practices and discuss your personal concerns with them directly. And that is a dialogue I believe must be revived.

We’ve become so far removed from our food sources, most people have no idea what they’re putting in their mouths anymore. Approaching your local farmers and opening up a dialogue might be the most important thing any one of us could do.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Thousands feared dead in Haiti quake; many trapped

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti – Haitians piled bodies along the devastated streets of their capital Wednesday after a powerful earthquake flattened the president's palace, the cathedral, hospitals, schools, the main prison and whole neighborhoods. Officials feared hundreds of thousands may have perished but there was no firm count.
Death was everywhere in Port-au-Prince. Bodies of tiny children were piled next to schools. Corpses of women lay on the street with stunned expressions frozen on their faces as flies began to gather. Bodies of men were covered with plastic tarps or cotton sheets.
President Rene Preval said he believes thousands were killed in Tuesday afternoon's magnitude-7.0 quake, and the scope of the destruction prompted other officials to give even higher estimates. Leading Sen. Youri Latortue told The Associated Press that 500,000 could be dead, although he acknowledged that nobody really knows.
"Parliament has collapsed. The tax office has collapsed. Schools have collapsed. Hospitals have collapsed," Preval told the Miami Herald. "There are a lot of schools that have a lot of dead people in them."
Even the main prison in the capital fell down, "and there are reports of escaped inmates," U.N. humanitarian spokeswoman Elisabeth Byrs said in Geneva.
The head of the U.N. peacekeeping mission was missing and the Roman Catholic archbishop of Port-au-Prince was dead.
"The cathedral, the archbishop's office, all the big churches, the seminaries have been reduced to rubble," Archbishop Bernardito Auza, the apostolic envoy to Haiti, told the Vatican news agency FIDES.
The parking lot of the Hotel Villa Creole was a triage center. People sat with injuries and growing infections by the side of rubble-strewn roads, hoping that doctors and aid would come.
The international Red Cross said a third of Haiti's 9 million people may need emergency aid and that it would take a day or two for a clear picture of the damage to emerge.
At first light Wednesday, a U.S. Coast Guard helicopter evacuated four critically injured U.S. Embassy staff to the hospital on the U.S. Naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where the military has been detaining suspected terrorists for the last seven years.
President Barack Obama promised an all-out rescue and humanitarian effort, adding that the U.S. commitment to its hemispheric neighbor will be unwavering.
"We have to be there for them in their hour of need," Obama said.
Other nations — from Iceland to Venezuela — said they would start sending in aid workers and rescue teams.Cuba said its existing field hospitals in Haiti had already treated hundreds of victims. The United Nations said Port-au-Prince's main airport was "fully operational" and open to relief flights.
The U.S. Navy aircraft carrier, USS Carl Vinson, is under way and expected to arrive off the coast of Haiti Thursday. Additional U.S. Navy ships are under way to Haiti, a statement from the U.S. Southern Command said.
Aftershocks continued to rattle the capital of 2 million people as women covered in dust clawed out of debris, wailing. Stunned people wandered the streets holding hands. Thousands gathered in public squares to sing hymns.
U.N. humanitarian chief John Holmes said it was possible that the death toll "will be in the thousands."
"Initial reports suggest a high number of casualties and, of course, widespread damage but I don't have any figure that I can give you with any reliability of what the number of casualties will be," Holmes said.
People pulled bodies from collapsed homes, covering them with sheets by the side of the road. Passers-by lifted the sheets to see if loved ones were underneath. Outside a crumbled building, the bodies of five children and three adults lay in a pile.
The prominent died along with the poor: the body of Archbishop Joseph Serge Miot, 63, was found in the ruins of his office, said the Rev. Pierre Le Beller of the Saint Jacques Missionary Center in Landivisiau, France. He told The Associated Press by telephone that fellow missionaries in Haiti had told him they found Miot's body.
Preval told the Herald that Haiti's Senate president was among those trapped alive inside the Parliament building. Much of the National Palace pancaked on itself.
The international Red Cross and other aid groups announced plans for major relief operations in the Western Hemisphere's poorest country.
Many will have to help their own staff as well as stricken Haitians. Taiwan said its embassy was destroyed and the ambassador hospitalized. Spain said its embassy was badly damaged.
Tens of thousands of people lost their homes as buildings that were flimsy and dangerous even under normal conditions collapsed. Nobody offered an estimate of the dead, but the numbers were clearly enormous.
"The hospitals cannot handle all these victims," said Dr. Louis-Gerard Gilles.
Medical experts say disasters such as an earthquake generally do not lead to new outbreaks of infectious diseases, but they do tend to worsen existing health problems.
Haiti's quake refugees likely will face an increased risk of dengue fevermalaria and measles — problems that plagued the impoverished country before, said Kimberley Shoaf, associate director of the UCLA Center for Public Health and Disasters.
Some of the biggest immediate health threats include respiratory disease from inhaling dust from collapsed buildings and diarrhea from drinking contaminated water.
With hospitals and clinics severely damaged, Haiti will also face risks of secondary infections. People seeking medical attention for broken bones and other injuries may not be able to get the help they need and may develop complications.
Dead bodies piled on the streets typically don't pose a public health risk. But for a country wracked by violence, seeing the dead will exact a psychological toll.
An American aid worker was trapped for about 10 hours under the rubble of her mission house before she was rescued by her husband, who told CBS' "Early Show" that he drove 100 miles (160 kilometers) to Port-au-Prince to find her. Frank Thorp said he dug for more than an hour to free his wife, Jillian, and a co-worker, from under about a foot of concrete.
An estimated 40,000-45,000 Americans live in Haiti, and the U.S. Embassy had no confirmed reports of deaths among its citizens. All but one American employed by the embassy have been accounted for, State Department officials said.
Even relatively wealthy neighborhoods were devastated.
An AP videographer saw a wrecked hospital where people screamed for help in Petionville, a hillside district that is home to many diplomats and wealthy Haitians as well as the poor.
At a destroyed four-story apartment building, a girl of about 16 stood atop a car, trying to see inside while several men pulled at a foot sticking from rubble. She said her family was inside.
"A school near here collapsed totally," Petionville resident Ken Michel said after surveying the damage. "We don't know if there were any children inside." He said many seemingly sturdy homes nearby were split apart.
The U.N.'s 9,000 peacekeepers in Haiti, many of whom are from Brazil, were distracted from aid efforts by their own tragedy: Many spent the night hunting for survivors in the ruins of their headquarters.
"It would appear that everyone who was in the building, including my friend Hedi Annabi, the United Nations' secretary-general's special envoy, and everyone with him and around him, are dead," French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said on RTL radio.
But U.N. peacekeeping chief Alain Le Roy would not confirm that Annabi was dead, saying he was among more than 100 people missing in its wrecked headquarters. He said only about 10 people had been pulled out, many of them badly injured. Fewer than five bodies had been removed, he said.
U.N. peacekeeping forces in Port-au-Prince are securing the airport, the port, main buildings and patrolling the streets, Le Roy said.
Brazil's army said at least 11 of its peacekeepers were killed, while Jordan's official news agency said three of its peacekeepers were killed. A state newspaper in China said eight Chinese peacekeepers were known dead and 10 were missing — though officials later said the information was not confirmed.
The quake struck at 4:53 p.m., and was centered 10 miles (15 kilometers) west of Port-au-Prince at a depth of only 5 miles (8 kilometers), the U.S. Geological Survey said. USGS geophysicist Kristin Marano called it the strongest earthquake since 1770 in what is now Haiti.
Video obtained by the AP showed a huge dust cloud rising over Port-au-Prince shortly after the quake as buildings collapsed.
Most Haitians are desperately poor, and after years of political instability the country has no real construction standards. In November 2008, following the collapse of a school in Petionville, the mayor of Port-au-Prince estimated about 60 percent of buildings were shoddily built and unsafe normally.
The quake was felt in the Dominican Republic, which shares the island of Hispaniola with Haiti, and in eastern Cuba, but no major damage was reported in either place.
With electricity out in many places and phone service erratic, it was nearly impossible for Haitian or foreign officials to get full details of the devastation.
"Everybody is just totally, totally freaked out and shaken," said Henry Bahn, a U.S. Department of Agriculture official in Port-au-Prince. "The sky is just gray with dust."
Edwidge Danticat, an award-winning Haitian-American author was unable to contact relatives in Haiti. She sat with family and friends at her home in Miami, looking for news on the Internet and watching TV news reports.
"You want to go there, but you just have to wait," she said. "Life is already so fragile in Haiti, and to have this on such a massive scale, it's unimaginable how the country will be able to recover from this."
Associated Press contributors to this story: videographer Pierre Richard Luxama in Port-au-Prince; and writers David Koop and Olga R. Rodriguez in Mexico City; David McFadden and Danica Coto in San Juan, Puerto RicoMatthew Lee and Julie Pace in Washington; Edith M. Lederer at the United Nations; Tamara Lush in Tampa, Fla.; and Jennifer Kay and Christine Armario in Miami.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Natural Gas Versus Women & Children

Natural Gas Versus Women & Children

Are women as dumb as gas utility thinks they are? If you separate the disinformation and confusing jargon from the facts you begin to understand that women are deliberately being lied to about their gas.

A women can read a situation better than a man can, separate the truth from "the facts" and come to a decision. And if a woman doesn't know something she's not afraid to ask for directions.

Trust, respect, honesty, and safety: important words used to describe the attributes you look for in relationships . . . like with your gas utility. Think about natural gas for a moment. What do you really know about it? And you probably know even less about your gas utility.

This may sound silly, but you probably know more about the people living down the street than you do about the gas utility you trust and let inside the sanctity of your home.

50 Million women and children are being victimized, and lied to by sleazy utility managers whose only purpose in life is to build their own little empires so they can retire in comfort.

You have to understand, managing a utility is a "male thing." These testosterone driven creatures want to win at any cost. Their 'ole-boy mentality has dominated natural gas for 150 years. It's a $60 Billion a year gorilla that does what it wants, regardless of the public's health and safety.

The utilitys have a mandate from the government that gives them a license to pull their dirty tricks under shoddy environmental compromises. These corporate mavens compete to see who can get away with the most while collaborating amongst themselves to dream up new excuses to cover up their misdeeds.

The really sad part . . . they feed on your honesty and trust. They know you trust them and armed with that knowledge they manipulate and spin-doctor you into thinking natural gas is a clean energy.

50 Million Women and Natural Gas Fact

In the United States, there are 60 million residences using natural gas.

  • 50 million American homes are run by women.
  • 50 million women trust their gas utility.
  • 50 million women pay gas utilities $30 billion every year.
  • 50 million women operate, and maintain 150 million gas appliances everyday.
  • 50 million women are "directly exposed" to contaminated natural gas, while 266 million Americans are "indirectly exposed."
  • 50 million women and children suffer more from contaminated natural gas, than adult males do.
  • There are no females in key positions inside corporate gas.
"Gas utilities dump their hazardous waste into 50 million homes everyday, without warning, without your permission and without remorse. Apparently, it's cheaper for them to dump on the customer, than pay someone to clean it up."

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Home Gas Test

Unlike asbestos or cigarettes - natural gas invades every part of our lives without our permission. From providing us with comfortable heat, to delivering delicious cooked food and protecting us from the elements of nature's cold fury, to drying our undergarments so we can feel warm and fuzzy. Gas-waste infects us at every level of our lives.

Seeing is believing.

Try this simple test for yourself. In the evening, turn on a gas appliance. Then turn off all of the lights in the room and watch as your gas flame burns. Look for the blue colors. That's methane gas burning. Methane gas makes up most of your natural gas supply and it burns with a blue color.

If there are yellow, orange, green, purple or red colors in your flame - that isn't just methane gas burning. Such colors indicate that something else is burning with the methane. The industry calls them condensates. Your condensates could be Benzene, Toluene, Tar, Oil, Dust, Rust, Gas Odorants or - PCBs. Notice how the colors burst out and jump about. The colored condensates bursting in your flame are some of the hazardous chemicals in your gas.

contaminated natural gas flame

We know - if your flame isn't a blue color - your burning something mixed with the methane. And those non-methane combustion byproducts coming from the gas company are entering the indoor air.

Natural gas indoor environmental smoke test.

Remove wall pictures and hangings, looking for a shadow behind where the object hung. The shadow is cleaner than the surrounding surface because combustion from gas appliance flames deposits environmental smoke covering everything indoors. Objects hanging on the wall collect the gas smoke and shield the wall. And your breathing this stuff?

Look at the bottom of your pots and pans used on gas appliances. See those dark sooty smudges, that's environmental smoke etched into the metal. These chemicals are so powerful, they eat into the metal surface and can't be removed. Think what they are doing to your lungs. If you have a fireplace with a gas log insert, look at the black sooty deposits coating the hard ceramic. That's unburned hydrocarbon stains and they don't wash off.

Using a white cloth, wash a section of the wall and ceiling around a gas appliance. Observe the yellow stuff on the white cloth, it's unburned chemicals from your indoor gas appliances. Gas is still the best energy choice we have. It's cheap, it's plentiful, and it's a commodity fuel that needs to be cleaned up. Unfortunately, we can't rely upon the gas utility to do it for us.

We need help.


I wonder what LPG contains?...


Gas Pipes Spray Mercury Inside Homes

November 5, 2000
Gas Pipes Spray Mercury Inside Homes

CHICAGO - Illinois Attorney General Jim Ryan and county prosecutors have filed a five-count lawsuit against Illinois-based Nicor, Inc. and two contractors in an attempt to quickly clean up mercury contamination found in homes and buildings in 10 northern counties. The lawsuit alleges that Nicor, Pennsylvannia-based Henkles & McCoy, Inc., and Minnesota-based Northern Pipeline Construction Co. endangered public health and welfare, caused air pollution and open dumping, improperly disposed of waste and created a public nuisance. Prosecutors are asking for an immediate injunction order setting forth a rapid and supervised assessment and clean-up program. On July 20 a homeowner in the Chicago suburb of Mount Prospect  reported a silvery substance in the basement. Since the Mercury discovery on July 24, Nicor has reported that more than 280,000 homes in northern Illinois will be tested for mercury contamination, and that clean-up 

efforts have commenced as testing continues. Mercury, inhaled over long periods of time, can cause nerve damage, respiratory failure and kidney damage. For more information, go to: The question is, how many other communities are being contaminated with Mercury and other hazardous materials coming from their gas pipes? 

Check to see if you have a Mercury regulator installed on your home as shown below in the No. 1 GIF, and contact your gas utility immeadiately to have it removed and tested for Mercury:

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Politics of Fossil Fuel Subsidies

The Global Subsidies Initiative (GSI) of the IISD with Professor David Victor have recently published the report "The Politics of Fossil-Fuel Subsidies". The first in a series of reports to be published on fossil-fuel subsidies, called “Untold Billions: Fossil-fuel subsidies, their impacts and the path to reform.

Summary: governments spend staggering sums of money subsidizing fossil fuels, with many harmful consequences for public budgets, energy markets, and pollution.  While there is widespread agreement among analysts that most of these subsidies serve no legitimate purpose, cutting subsidies has proved extremely difficult.  This paper explores the politics of subsidy creation and reform and suggests some strategies for improving the odds that reformers will be politically successful.  Subsidies exist often because they are the only reliable mechanism available to governments that are under pressure to provide benefits to politically well-organized groups. Not understanding the political economy of subsidy policies can prevent successful reform, and the report argues that successful subsidy reforms often require broader reforms and improvement in public administration to create mechanisms that can compensate political losers.

For further information contact Ms. Kerryn Lang at: or +41.22.917.8920.

Reforming fossil-fuel subsidies is widely believed to be a “win-win” policy that would benefit energy security, economic growth and the environment, as evidenced by the G-20 commitment to phase out such subsidies. But subsidies are notoriously difficult to reform.
The political logic that keeps subsidies to fossil fuels in place differs according to circumstance. Whereas the main effect of producer subsidies is to boost local production, consumer subsidies are typically broad-based and popular, making them hard to reform without provoking protest.
Demand by politically well-organized groups can therefore perpetuate subsidies. But equally important is the appetite by governments to supply them. Subsidies often exist because they are claimed to be the only reliable mechanism available to governments that are under pressure to provide benefits to citizens, despite their inefficiency and distorting impacts. Many non-democratic countries are among the world’s biggest subsidizers, indicating that governments use subsidies to win favour with the public even when votes are not at stake.
In a study commissioned by the GSI, Director of the Laboratory on International Law and Regulation Dr. David Victor argues that the failures to reform subsidies are mainly due to failures to appreciate the political economy of subsidy policies. Reform is often not viable politically without a strategy to compensate powerful groups. Successful subsidy reforms often require broader reforms and improvement in public administration to create mechanisms that can compensate political losers.

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