This blog is entitled "Save the planet movement" because it is - as it says. All the contents of this blogsite is intended to serve the needed knowledge required by anyone concerned in doing his part in saving the planet.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Video of comittee hearing regarding Aboitiz Coal Power Plant for Davao

Here's a video clip of the Davao City Comittee Hearing about the Coal Fired Power Plant proposal of the Aboitiz Group held just last week.

The Aboitiz group says... they are taking a Huge Financial / Investment Risk in putting up this plant... Really?!... Unbelievable.

Who are taking the biggest risks here? Those who have their money placed on their bets here? Or those who are actually living here?  We were not born yesterday.

Davao is running on Hydro-Electric... and Diesel.... the untapped resource is Geothermal which is plenty from Mount Apo.

It is also the home for the most endangered Eagle in the world... the Philippine Eagle... symbol of the planets health.... Mass Bird deaths have been happening all over the world recently... Let's not allow this to happen here.

Is it really Coal or Nothing?  Why are they shoving this up to our throats?...(Literally Speaking) Who are the Greedy Corporate Suites behind this move?

They also say Clean Coal Technology (Big BS), There is no such thing. The only way to make a Zero Emission Coal Fire is to adopt HHO in it's burning.... but this is still a long way to go.

Where are the AES group?... Where are the Geothermal Group Proposals?... Something is so not right.

How on Earth can they come up to a conclussion when all the other options are not explored or discussed?

Please Wake up People and Help Stop Coal Fire Power Plant from materializing in Davao or Mindanao...

Let your voice be heard.
email me to express your opinion or leave a coment in this post.
A more comprehensive video to follow soon!...

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