This blog is entitled "Save the planet movement" because it is - as it says. All the contents of this blogsite is intended to serve the needed knowledge required by anyone concerned in doing his part in saving the planet.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Little Green Knowledge is Dangerous

The Green Revolution started when Al Gore presented and campaigned about Global Warming some years ago... with the movie "The Day after Tomorrow"... I am not really sure if it was able to help spread the awareness or just disensitize people.

Personally, Green Conssiousness dawned on me when I started to experience lung problems about 2 years ago more or less. I thought that all my years of being an automotive enthusiast and being addicted to the smell of gasoline and exhaust fumes as well as burned rubber - perhaps was taking its toll on me.

Although I have experimented on Hydrogen on demand systems in 1984, I never went deeper into this technology until only 2 years ago.

After realizing that my exhaust emissions has greatly improved on my bike and cars - I have also felt better when I drove my vehicles... the absence of the irritating toxic fumes was too obvious... and was truly a pleasant experience.

I had a chance to chat with many Taxi drivers... I found out that with the advent of LPG for Taxis - the rise of mortality on Taxi Drivers with lung problems - being brought to the Philippine Lung Center has also risen up significantly.

I felt this was a red flag.

Then comes another Green Idea about Biochar... it was not after reading an article that this Biochar initiative is dangerous because it is a threat to deplete the oxygen level of the atmosphere that I realize; we have all the more reason why we should promote Electrolysis on board combustion enhancement for all internal combustion engines.

A single cell generator for Hydroxy aka HHO that can produce 1 Liter per minute will produce about 15 Liters of Oxygen per hour - more or less.

This is much higher than what a single Tree can produce in half a day.

The figures are alarming already, there is indeed an obvious lowering of oxygen content in our air. CO2 has increased and the burning of bio-mass is not going to help increase oxygen at all... it consumes oxygen in the process.

With an HHO or Hydroxy generator in our cars, we are making excess Oxygen and burn fossil fuel better with bits of hydrogen in the combustion cycle. It not only lowers emission, it also improves the vehicles performance and mileage.

Naysayers and Big Oil Company agents of disinformation will always bombard us with self-limiting suggestions to keep us inside the Rabbits Hat so to speak.

We cannot keep ourselves inside the box forever... What we dont know will hurt us more soon! it is better to know more than just pretend to know more.

Being Green is not as easy as segregating your waste or doing organic farming.

Waste segregation is done naturally by outside the house forces whether we like it or not, I will post a video about this soon for you to realize why and how.

If we truly want to be green, we have to be aware of the emissions of our vehicles, generators or any equipment necessary to sustain our lifestyles and how are we going to generate oxygen.

Here are some ways to generate Oxygen:

1. Plant Trees Wisely
2. Do not cut Trees Unnecessarilly

and #3. Install an Eletrolysis Reactor for water in your vehicles or generators.

Some Suggestions to keep oxygen from depletion:

1. Do not burn bio-mass
2. Do not burn your trash or garbage or old leaves
3. Do not burn wood or paper
4. Keep your vehicle tuned to burn fuel more efficiently and make it run more and rev less calibration.
5. Keep a moderate lifestyle, breath slower and deeper, refrain from extreme physical exertions or activities that promotes respiratory excitement.

We dont need to be infused with too much complex knowledge about being green...

A really green consioussness is to be also aware of Oxygen... not only about Reducing Carbon Footprint.

And of course, Bio-Fuel is not Green at all.

You have to keep in mind, Bio-Fuel is actually burning your food to fuel your cars - not your body.

We are feeding our Mechanical monster gods with our very food... the farmlands becomes dedicated to plant these feedstock to keep our cars running - at the expense of our food.

Now people will become more into the eating habit of Genetically Modified Organic foods.... not really promoting a healthy life at all.

A move to stop bio-fuel initiative is rising.

Fossil Fuel is actually OK, for as long as we can utilize it efficiently.

All this Green Movement - if allowed to be put into the hands of the Big Corporations.... may become more dangerous than it seems.

Now is the time to put the control right into the hands of each and every individuals.

Equip yourself with knowledge... Enrich yourself with wisdom... Empower yourself with applications.


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Compute your carbon footprint

Calculate your Car's Carbon Impact
Based on EPA and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Values
Trip Carbon Footprint Calculator for Gasoline Engine
Miles Driven Trip MPG Average
Trip Carbon Impact
lbs. of CO2
lbs. of CO2
Total Trip Emission:
lbs. of CO2
How many times do you drive like this per month?
Estimated Annual Emission:
Tons of CO2


This idea describes two technologies that can help every person on the planet, save energy, stop pollution and help reduce global warming. We need your help to help you please vote for this idea.


I personally do not agree with idolatry or cult personalities - I am merely posting these videos for the worthy educational contents - and I am not endorsing any of the perosnality intending to be idolised or praise or worshipped in these videos. Please stick with the contexts or contents only and discard the unimportant details like superlative titles to individuals.