This blog is entitled "Save the planet movement" because it is - as it says. All the contents of this blogsite is intended to serve the needed knowledge required by anyone concerned in doing his part in saving the planet.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Random thoughts

Have you ever wondered why so much earthquakes, floods, forest fires, heat waves and even water shortages in isolated locations have been happening lately?

These crazy weather patterns are not just natural occurrence...

It is obvious, Man has been one of the major culprits behind Global Warming...

However, the solar system is also passing a photon belt... This is where the solar system as a whole will be subjected to a much higher radiation and bombardments caused by photons. This is also known as the age of Aquarius... since we are passing the constellation of Aquarius.

The Mayans have had this in their calendar... it is a cyclical event... normally associated with cataclysmic events.

How do we know?... well... there are no living witness of these since it happens every 26,000 years more or less.

However, evidences have been discovered lately with artifacts and relics depicting or pointing to these events. There are also artifacts that prove the existence of advance technologies in the ancient past... but what happened to them all?

Can those ancient cataclysms be responsible for their obliteration from the face of history?

If this is the case... this means the inevitable would certainly happen whether there is Man made contribution or not. However, it doesn't necessarily mean that we should stop doing something to avert it.

Not if we can help it.

If we are all bound to die... at least we should all die fighting to save this planet. We have nothing to lose by trying.

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This idea describes two technologies that can help every person on the planet, save energy, stop pollution and help reduce global warming. We need your help to help you please vote for this idea.


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