This blog is entitled "Save the planet movement" because it is - as it says. All the contents of this blogsite is intended to serve the needed knowledge required by anyone concerned in doing his part in saving the planet.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

So how are you going to solve the problem?

Total Global Forest in hectares is about 4,033,060,000.00 (4Billion has)

Total Registered Cars all over the world 1,000,000,000.00 (1 Billion)
x 5 mt per car = 5Billion mt, or 5Billion Hectares of forest needed!

Total number of Coal Power Plants worldwide = 50,000
x 20,000,000 mt average CO2 per plant = 1,000,000,000,000.00 (1 Trillion) hectares of forest needed.

The world; ladies and gentlemen has a deficit of around 1.000,966 Trillion Hectares of Forest needed or roughly about 141.136.338.540 Gazillion Trees needed to be planted.

It really doesn't sound nice at all does it? And you are still hopeful that the climate will change for the better?... highly unlikely!

With only 7 Billion people all over the world... we need to ask each one to plant at least 2Million Trees each!

Considering that we don't stop our ways and decided to stop cutting trees...
And decided to start planting one tree everyday for 55 years of their entire life... We might be able to save this planet.

I can think of a more realistic way to do it, but I don't like to sound like some idiot trying to sell you snake oil. I am just curious how you would solve it if it is in your hands.

I'm really curious to know... How are you going to do it?

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Compute your carbon footprint

Calculate your Car's Carbon Impact
Based on EPA and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Values
Trip Carbon Footprint Calculator for Gasoline Engine
Miles Driven Trip MPG Average
Trip Carbon Impact
lbs. of CO2
lbs. of CO2
Total Trip Emission:
lbs. of CO2
How many times do you drive like this per month?
Estimated Annual Emission:
Tons of CO2


This idea describes two technologies that can help every person on the planet, save energy, stop pollution and help reduce global warming. We need your help to help you please vote for this idea.


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